Preventative Maintenance & Repairs

The first step in seeing the most return on investment is to be proactive. In partnership with Secure, you can do just that. Allow us to put together a maintenance schedule for your facility, to inspect it yearly, addressing any problems that might come up well before they do. Remember, if you can see the leak then the damage is always greater than what little is visible. Underlying layers of the roofing envelope, including insulation, are becoming saturated and damaged. The potential for mold, or rust to decking and beams, is a very real possibility. That is to nothing of the damage to the interior of property, including damages to underlying structural decking, saturated and damaged insulation, ceiling tiles, potential safety issues to leaks over electrical panels, etc.

With proper maintenance planning and budgeting, all of this can be prevented while giving your existing roof the longest life possible before the roof will require full restoration. Budgets set in advance are never surprising, and with a Secure condition assessment in hand, there is no confusion and there are no surprises. Setting a comprehensive budget plan in advance as a proactive approach, you will never have any unexpected and costly surprises. With a Secure roofing condition assessment in hand, you will have the photo evidence and detailed quote for your operating budget always in a timely manner.

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